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Who We Are

Our regular Sunday services are relaxed, contemporary in style, and welcoming.

We have no rules for attendance and welcome all visitors.


We are part of a worldwide fellowship of believers going by different names in
different countries, and by ‘Churches of Christ’ here in Australia.

There are some 160 Churches of Christ in Victoria and Tasmania. We are a mainstream Christian Church.


We hold the Bible as our authority above all else and we
welcome all people to worship with us, to investigate who we are,
to discover Jesus Christ. We meet on Sundays in our Church building to worship
and glorify God, for fellowship, to encourage one another, to pray, to learn from

biblical teaching, and to share the sacrament of Holy Communion - the LORD’s supper. We participate with other Christian churches in Castlemaine and beyond. We serve our community in a variety of ways, and support various mission initiatives in Australia and abroad. Churches of Christ trace our origins to Thomas Campbell (1763-1854) a Presbyterian Minister who believed that all churches should be united: we are a unity movement centered on the Bible - which we believe is the Word of God - we are evangelistic and believe in simplicity.

Come join us @ 66 Blakeley St Castlemaine 3450 

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